
  • Negativity


    I wish I could say that I overcame my overbearing negativity through magick. Sadly, this was not the case.

  • This Aeon

    This Aeon

    I remember when the beginning of this identity began. I couldn’t stand my brothers and sisters on the path. We would talk for hours on how they planned to imitate the ancients. Inside, I knew something new was coming, I knew those old ways were soon to be over. Still, to this day these things…

  • Magick after 5=6

    Magick after 5=6

    Once you climb up the mountain and look down the world is a very different place. It is like night and day in it’s expression.

  • I am a Misanthrope

    I am a Misanthrope

    If you are still with me, I think it is important to point out that I’m tired of being censored.